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Il metodo BEST e' pericoloso?

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Registrato: 20/12/06 17:27
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Residenza: Gallarate - Italy

MessaggioInviato: Gio Giu 11, 2009 9:34 am    Oggetto: Il metodo BEST e' pericoloso? Rispondi citando

C'e' in corso una accesa discussione sul forum di AT a proposito della pericolosità del metodo BEST. Alcuni commenti "soft" sull'argomento sono stati rimossi probabilmente dalla moderazione, e a questo punto i commenti sono diventati molto più "hard".

Riporto sotto, prima che sparisca, un commento di John Magira, Olimpionico ad Atene con la squadra USA e coach rinomato:

Target1, I was respectfully waiting for an answer. Not to be scolded like a child. Good grief. I still respectfully wait for your findings. If it was a "hiccup" in the system, then as I already said, I can understand that. I'd just like a definitive answer. The discussion was indeed touching on some very sensitive areas. I had already joked that my "high performance coach" card would probably be pulled because of my comments. Why would I write that if I wasn't expecting some feedback or retaliatory comments.

But I didn't expect the posts to be removed. I've always admired the way this forum has been moderated. And you do an excellent job, I think. So this matter has my full attention now. I was being very careful about how I approached the topic, because I know some would take my comments personally (even though if they read them objectively they would see that they weren't directed at specific individuals or particularly hurtful).

I had simply stated my observations and experiences. If you looked deep enough they were actually quite flattering of coach Lee.

Trying to recall exactly what I posted is impossible, but I think I said that I would recommend to any archer who wanted to learn the BEST method that they find whatever way possible to get one on one DIRECT instruction from coach Lee or possibly Guy Krueger. I've known Guy as long as anyone and really respect and like him, but I've not seen him teach the BEST method to students first hand. That's the only reason I qualify that comment. I have seen coach Lee teach firsthand, and truly believe that he knows his stuff and can help an archer attain outstanding results.

The other point I was trying to make was that I believe an archer who worked directly with coach Lee was less likely to develop injuries as a result of the training, or "switch" from their current style of shooting. Unfortunately, I've seen ample evidence (as have many others who have contacted me personally) that attempting to learn the BEST method on one's own, or with a coach that is not COMPLETELY qualified (and there are more of those than not), can be hazardous. I think it's fair statement to make since so many archers that I know have suffered serious injuries while attempting to switch to the BEST method. Even some of our top senior shooters have been sidelined by injury because of this. This should get ALL of our attention.

Perhaps archers who learn the method from the beginning are less prone to injury than ones who switch from another style. Perhaps other coaches or even coach Lee himself is not able to head off all the problems before they occur. The man does have about 100 balls in the air at the same time! Add to that the fact that just about every archer HEARS the instruction differently, or basic physiological differences between archers, and you're going to get injuries. And we have.

I've known quite a few of the early Jr. Dream Team kids that were injured. Some even quit the program because of it. One I know even stopped shooting because of it. I will not post personal information on this forum however. That is between the archer, their parents and the program.

I had also written that I myself suffered my ONLY injury in a lifetime of shooting when I attempted to switch over to the BEST method. For me, it was an issue in my forearm that resulted from switching tabs and grasping the string differently than I had before. The result was that I couldn't shoot from September of 2006 to January of 2007. At all. It was revealed through an x-ray and MRI that I had an unusual bone spur in my right forearm and that the switch likely aggrivated a sensitive situation. However since 2008, when I decided to switch back to shooting the style I had in '04, I've not experience any pain or discomfort at all. Makes me wonder if it was the method, or my interpretation or both that was the cause. But there is no doubt in my mind that the switch was the problem now. Not the arm.

Most of the injury stories are pretty old, and have been discussed widely before, so why would someone try so sensor the story now?

Well, it may be old news to you, but that doesn't explain all the PM's I'm getting (even after the posts magically "dissapeared") regarding injuries incurred by archers who've attempted the BEST method. Or all the requests I've received to re-post my comments because of the concern about BEST-related injuries.

I'm sure there are worried parents and archers out there. I am one of them. I saw one student that I sent to the program suffer SERIOUS setbacks due to the program. She eventually recovered (on her own) and is now a VERY competitive junior archer.

If one could only recover the historical insurance claims for archers at the OTC, we might see a definitive pattern.

C3, I actually thought of that just today. It would be really interesting to see the injury reports and trips to the medic at the OTC in the past several years. And I don't know about you, but I had NEVER seen huge ice packs on archer's shoulders (on a daily basis) until I arrived at the OTC. I still find that unusual. I shot and lived for weeks with many Olympic archers in '04 and can't recall ever seeing ice packs seran-wrapped to shoulders. But just about every RA had them at the OTC, and probably still do. I'd love to hear more explanation (from a qualified physician) about the need for those.


P.S. : OTC = Olympic Training Center
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Registrato: 05/01/07 14:15
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Residenza: Savona-Italy

MessaggioInviato: Gio Giu 11, 2009 2:32 pm    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

E' stato lo stesso KSL a dire che è dannoso impararlo in modo autodidatta oppure insegnato da tecnici non preparati in modo completo.

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